Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cutting out soft drinks currently feels easy

Currently, cutting out soft drinks feels easy. The last soft drink I had was in the first half of the day on 10-26-2011. Since that time, I have only been drinking water. I do not feel deprived at all. It tastes really good.

The perk to this is that I am noticing that my appetite seems less. It appears to be acting like an appetite depressant as I am filling up a lot faster. I am a drink guzzler. I did that with soft drinks. I am doing that with water. When I eat, which is the main time that I drink, I don't just take sips between bites, I gulp. I usually down 2 to 4 glasses of a drink with lots of ice. So it appears that the main factor in seeming to have a smaller appetite for food is the water versus soft drink factor. The jury is still out on this, but it seems to be the case - so far.

My current treat that I am greatly enjoying is Hazelnut Cappuccino made with milk. I have a Cappuccino machine that heats and froths the drink for you. I usually make 2 cups; although, this late Sunday afternoon, I made 3 cups. It tasted yummy!

Now, the question is, do I go with the nutrition experts that state that milk is good for you and therefore, I am doing myself a favor nutritionally?


Do I go with the other nutrition experts is state that milk is bad for you once you get past the age of 3 and it actually leaches calcium from your bones rather than adds or aids this factor?

That is one of my great challenges is knowing who I should believe. Part of why I ended my attempt to make a lifestyle change toward being healthy and whole last spring was the fact that I got myself all confused by trying to follow two different theories and not knowing which one was the one that is accurate. I still am confused. I probably will try to make an appointment with the hospital nutritionist I met with when finishing up my cancer treatments to try to get some clarification.

I just figure that drinking milk flavored with Hazelnut is going to beat drinking soft drinks. Plus, it makes me feel really full and satisfies my sweet tooth. As a result, I am not as tempted to snack on cookies or other sugary desserts.

My other thing that I am really enjoying is eating Gala Apples again. I am loving their crisp sweet flavor. Once again, I am confused on that score as well. The Fit for Life Diet states that you should never eat raw fruit with anything but leafy greens as they feel that eating apples in combination with meat or starch or anything else will allow the apples or other fruit to go rancid in your stomach. They feel that you should eat an apple by itself and let 30 minutes go by before eating anything else. Or if you have had a non-fruit meal, you need to allow a minimum of 3 hours go by (for digestion reasons) before you can eat fruit again for the same reason. In other words, they state that you should only eat raw fruit on an empty stomach. If you must combine it with food, it should only be leafy greens or celery.

If this is true, this is sad as I find that eating one of these sweet crispy apples makes a great-tasting dessert or snack. I want to consult my nutritionist on this factor as well.

Does anybody have any clarifying thoughts on the matter? Thanks in advance for your help.

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