Saturday, October 30, 2010

It’s Safe To Be Slender: Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Introduction: As Healing Seeker affirms her declaration that it is safe to be slender, read her exploration of the health benefits of taking vitamins and minerals for weight loss and for maintaining a healthy body.

30 October 2010

I proclaim that it is indeed safe to be slender. I declare that I wish to lose weight the healthy way. Little by little, I am making life style changes that I can maintain long-term.

Starting on the 27th of August of 2010, I began taking vitamin and mineral supplements to help maintain my health. While getting chemo for breast cancer, the oncologist did not allow this as it would deplete the positive effects of the chemo. But after completing chemo treatments and having a double mastectomy on the 11th of August of 2010, I was declared to be in remission from breast cancer. In other words, there are no more cancer cells in my body.

As a result, it was now safe to start taking these health supplements to help my body and immunity level regain full strength.

Krill Oil vs. Cod Liver Oil vs. Fish Oil

Isabel De Los Rios of “The Diet Solution” strongly urges that people should take Krill Oil for weight loss. Knowing the value of Omega 3, I decided to follow at least that suggestion. I went to a vitamin shop in another city and found a number of brands. I settled on Krill Oil (1000 mg) from Isabel suggested people should ideally take two caplets a day. I just took one as the capsules were rather expensive.

When that bottle emptied, I went to the Health Barn in my local area. The lady there felt that Krill Oil was not ideal. She suggested I take Cod Liver Oil instead. I bought a bottle of Rexall Norwegian Cod Liver Oil (415 mg) that states it helps promote bone, Immune, Eye, and Skin Health.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the rest of the story.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm Off To Play At The YMCA or Healing Seeker's It's Safe To Be Slender Song

Check out my new YouTube video called

I'm Off To Play At The YMCA or Healing Seeker's It's Safe To Be Slender Song

It's Safe to be Slender: Flax Seed Benefits

Introduction: As Healing Seeker affirms her declaration that it is safe to be slender, read her exploration of the health benefits of having a daily dose of 4 tablespoons of flax seed mixed with 4 ounces of yogurt. In addition, it pleases her taste buds.

29 October 2010

I find there is great power in the affirmation that it is truly safe to be slender. Those words really resonate with me more than any other weight-loss affirmations I have ever heard.

As I reach toward my goal of losing sixty pounds prior to getting reconstruction surgery in the late fall of 2011, I am striving to make life style changes that I can happily and easily adopt into my life rather than trying a few short-term measures that could put me on that yo-yo diet cycle. In case you are wondering, I am in remission from breast cancer after having chemo and a double mastectomy. In other words, there are no more cancer cells in my body. I wish to keep it that way. So for the first time in my life, I am extra motivated to make these changes to help benefit the second half of my life. I am 52.

My other very strong motivation is my strong desire to not have fake boobs attached to fat. They make you wait one year after completing cancer treatments before they authorize you to get reconstruction surgery. They want to make certain that the cancer does not return that could be hidden under those fake boobs. So I want my body size to be the size it is going to be from now on before I have the fake boobs attached.

Meeting with a Nutritionist soon

I will be meeting with my nutritionist as soon as I complete my last preventative radiation treatment. As of this morning, I have six more sessions to go. Both my oncologist and my radiation oncologist did not want me losing too much weight during my treatments. Without really trying, I have lost 20 to 22 pounds since being diagnosed with breast cancer on the 7th of January of 2010 depending on which doctor’s scale I use. Chemo reduced my appetite considerably. I generally only eat 2 meals a day. During chemo, I didn’t even manage that. So I still have the goal of losing an additional 60 pounds.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the rest of the story.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Declaration: It's Safe To Be Slender

27 October 2010

Who am I?

I am Healing Seeker. I have already gone into remission from breast cancer. Hooray for that! For more information on the breast cancer I had (notice the past tense), please visit my other blog called:

As a quick synopsis, I was diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer on January 7, 2010. I had eight sessions of chemo between February 4, 2010 and July 1, 2010. I had a double mastectomy on August 11, 2010. I started preventative radiation treatments on September 15, 2010. I will most likely complete my very last radiation treatment on November 5, 2010. Then, other than taking the low-dosage chemo tablet for five years, there is nothing more that needs to be done. Doctors don’t like to use the term cancer-free. They prefer to use the term “in remission.” I prefer the first term since there is no more cancer in my body; however, we will be politically correct and use the latter term. Sigh!

From the very beginning, other than 9 pity parties, I have maintained a positive attitude and my sense of humor. I credit this all to God and the power of prayer. I had and have great doctors, a great treatment plan, and a wonderful and supportive husband, family, and friends. Thanks be to God for all that as well!

Chemo makes some people gain weight due to steroids or some other feature. It made me lose weight since I could not taste a lot of my food for almost six months. Both my oncologist and my radiation oncologist did not want me losing too much weight while still undergoing treatment. Once radiation is completed, my goal is to lose an additional sixty pounds the healthy way. I have lost 20 to 22 pounds so far, depending on which doctor’s scale I get on. Before having reconstruction surgery late in the fall of 2011, I want to have lost that additional sixty pounds so that I don’t have fake boobs attached to fat.

Click WEIGHTLOSS to read the rest of the story.